Discover Quick Wins

Additional informational products built for eCom knowledge building.

500+ Landing Pages & Ads Libraries List

Discover the industries best performing landings & ads.


200+ UGC Creators Contact List

Level up your UGC game with our vetted list of creators.


250+ BFCM Ad Swipe File

Get ready for a kick ass BFCM with these ad examples.


100+ Winner Ads List

Get creative angle & ad ideas from eCom's best.


eCom Upsell Guidebook

Upselling flows, apps, tips, tricks & more.


Kandy CRO Checklist

Easy-to-implement steps that will raise your CR.


700+ BFCM Brand Offer List

Discover 2023s best performing BFCM offers.


100+ Visual Video Hook Swipe File

Discover 2024s best performing visual hooks.


Chat-GPT Research Flows

Use AI to optimize research, copy and other tasks.


10x Legendary Advertorials Breakdown

The industry's best performing advertorials and why they work.


50+ Winner Static Ads Examples

Top performing static ads examples.


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